I had been wanting to get a new pair of glasses for a while now, so when I saw this phenomenal deal, I snatched it right up! Let me tell you a bit about it. (I know this post is longer than most, but read right to the bottom - there is a special offer for you from Firmoo!)
When I thought about getting a new pair of glasses, I wanted to get a pair that is completely different from what I have worn in the past. And this pair really did that for me. My previous pair, which I purchased five years ago when we lived in PEI, were wire glasses, and so they didn't really pop, if you know what I mean.
Here is a screenshot of the glasses I chose, and on the left is a virtual "try these on". That face is similar shape to mine, so I didn't think I needed to upload my own picture. Obviously, I didn't choose the option of having the red arms - I'm not that funky. So these are all black. And I LOVE THEM!!! The lenses are larger than my previous pair, so I can actually see more out of these, which is pretty awesome.
Here's a breakdown of how my experience went:
Check-out: It went pretty quickly. You do need to have your prescription in front of you while you're doing the check-out - if you have a prescription. I filled in my prescription in the form supplied (which you will find as you go through the check-out portion of your order), and inputted all the necessary shipping information, and I was done! See? Easy. The navigation on the site is nice and clearly spelled out for you, so there really isn't any complications there. I received an email when my new glasses were shipped out, on September 6.
Receiving: The wait was the only thing I didn't like about this transaction. lol But the wait was totally worth it. I received the parcel on September 11 - only 5 days! That's a really good wait time, if you think about it. I'm just impatient. Anyhoo. My glasses were wrapped in bubble wrap and placed in a gorgeous, red, hardcover glasses case, and also included a large cloth with which I can clean my glasses and a little screw driver key chain - BONUS!
Wearing: Since these were a completely different pair of glasses than what I had been wearing for the past five years, it took me a while to get used to how they looked on my face. But I love it now! My husband called it "sexy nerd", and I'm totally okay with that! It didn't take long for my eyes to get accustomed to the new lenses, which is a bonus - I usually have a headache for a while after putting on new glasses, new prescription or not. But since these are plastic frames, they have no nose-things. So when my face gets sweaty (only during a workout!), my glasses do tend to slip down my nose. But you kind of have to expect that with plastic frames.
Customer Service: Since I had never ordered glasses online before, I had a lot of questions. And each of my questions were answered quickly (all in the same day) and precisely - all very direct answers, which I like with customer service.
Conclusion: I would recommend Firmoo to anyone who is looking for a new pair of glasses. The quality of the glasses is what you would expect, the shipping time was very quick, and I found the customer service to be very good.
Customer Service: Since I had never ordered glasses online before, I had a lot of questions. And each of my questions were answered quickly (all in the same day) and precisely - all very direct answers, which I like with customer service.
Conclusion: I would recommend Firmoo to anyone who is looking for a new pair of glasses. The quality of the glasses is what you would expect, the shipping time was very quick, and I found the customer service to be very good.
SPECIAL OFFER: If you are a first-time buyer at Firmoo, you can get your pair of glasses for free! Just take a look at their Free for First-Time Buyers program. You get your glasses for free; you only have to pay the shipping.

Thank you so much for posting this! I will definitely be trying Firmoo.